Since 2016, Good Hope Church in Minnesota has invited A Living Letter to have crucial conversations revolving around sexuality. We are always so blessed when church communities desire to engage this very complex topic. It says a lot about their hearts and their desire to love people well and be equipped to do so.

Recently, I read an article that said:

“The church is the only place that has the freedom to address this, because the activism around this has been so powerful and well-funded.”

Together we can make the Church an invitational, healing space.

Good Hope has put together a comprehensive list of sessions that Drew has done with them since 2016. It’s a great resource of podcasts, video/audio teachings, and Q & A’s for you to dive into.

In 2022, Good Hope Church said this about us:

We’ve hosted a series of meetings with nationally known speaker Drew Berryessa, founder of A Living Letter Ministries. Drew does a fantastic job of demystifying the topics of same-sex attraction and sexual brokenness by sharing personal experiences and sound Christian teaching, with a sincere heart of love.

Below is their Drew Playlist on YouTube…

View their full list of Drew Resources here:


If you want to invite us to engage your church communities in these crucial conversations, reach out to us at or send a text to: 541.499.7986

Your support through prayers and gifts enables us to share the message of God’s good gift for sexuality on various platforms and communities. We are so thankful for these opportunities.