What do you do as a pastoral team when an LGTBQ+ identified person wants to serve in a leadership position?

I’ve never met anyone who has come out of homosexuality because they have lost an argument or gained a new piece of information. I have, however, known a lot of people who have because of the relationships they have with those who represent Jesus well and are therefore compelled towards Jesus.

Grab your coffee as we discuss…


  • Is your doctrine on sexuality made clear to your congregation?

  • What type of leadership/volunteer position are they wanting to step into?

  • Is it kind to have someone serve in a community that conflicts with their core beliefs?

  • Are you willing to have difficult conversations regardless of consequences or offenses?

  • Are you creating a hierarchy of sin? Does one sin bear more weight in your community than others?

  • Are you pulling people into a deeper connection to earn the right to speak into this very hard issue?

  • Are you holding all leaders to the same biblical standard?

  • Is your doctrine on identity strong enough to affirm/confront incongruent lifestyles? I am ___ is about permanence. I struggle with ___ is about an experience. Are you discipling people to gain their identity from Christ and not from feelings and flesh?

  • Struggling with sin is not a disqualifier, but basing your identity on sin is.

  • Are we using people based on their gifts and talents because we need someone to serve while disregarding their integrity and character? Use these situations as opportunities to soul care, pour into them.

You will have to have hard conversations. People will be offended. That is okay.

You can communicate God’s truth with compassion, empathy & love. Pursue people in authentic relationships. Follow up relationally. We believe in you. And if you need help, we are always available to train, encourage and support your church body in this very hard situation.

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