3 Part Series

Someone bravely and honestly submitted a question to us:

“I am much happier now that I have left Christian Fundamentalism and am pursuing homosexuality. When I am living the gay lifestyle I feel fulfilled and at peace. I’ve tried praying away the gay and lived in repression for so long. Why should I pursue a lifestyle with Christian values that don't allow me to be gay?”

Drew is tackling this question in three parts. For this episode, the second part in the series, we will address this part of the question: I’ve tried praying away the gay and lived in repression for so long.

Grab your coffee and join us as we discuss this complex question together.

Key Takeaways

  • Where does the term Pray Away The Gay come from and mean?

  • What scriptures are proverbial wisdom or absolute promises of God?

  • What happens when we superimposed our expectations on Christianity?

You don’t have to reorient to follow Jesus or be fulfilled in him.

Come back to listen to Part Three when we discuss: Why should I pursue a lifestyle with Christian values that doesn’t allow me to be gay?

If you have any topic requests or questions, please email them to:

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